週四晚到物質女孩家吃相當好吃的手工瑞典肉丸子,甜點是哈根達滋(Haagen Dazs).禮拜五早上上班的路上突然很想念 Bistro Élan 柑橘冰沙或是檸檬冰沙的清爽──恨不得當下就是週末,實驗廚房可以開工.
原本意屬「檸檬羅勒冰沙」,原因是在 Thea Mediterranean 用餐時候,當天沒有選的另一種聽起來也很涼快消暑的冰飲就是羅勒檸檬汁,不曉得做成冰沙是什麼滋味.可惜禮拜五回家太晚,沒有機會買羅勒,而記憶裡在後花園裏的檸檬樹上的那顆檸檬也不見芳蹤.今晨打開冰箱看見那幾顆 VB 媽一直很擔心會被 VB 遺忘的(酸)葡萄柚,乾脆拿它們來加工.
Labels: 極簡風《烘焙札記》
Oh~~~you got one if these!? Every since I have children, I always want one of these. The one they sell in the supermarket is way too expensive and pumped too much air in.
Is the ice cream good? I did a quick research on TradeMe (New Zealand's popular online auction site, similar to EBay). There is quite a large variety. Some even smaller (I am a fan of small machinery)...
Hi Tank,
I must confess that I have more than one ice cream makers... Some require the bowl to be chilled a head of time (I still keep one bowl in the freezer!) This one has a compressor so it suits an impulsive person (me!) very well.
However, with all the prep and chilling, it still takes more than an hour for ice cream to "form", which is too long of a wait. Since the freezer section in a market has all the flavors imaginable, it might just be easier to drive over and grab some!
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