週五下午,兩個來支援跑程式的軟體工程師有一搭沒一搭的聊起早晨的期末考.VB 盯著雷射一個 pixel 一個 pixel 的掃描,驀然聽見什麼 RF 啦 Smith Chart 啦.
啊 Smith Chart!想當年電磁學課堂上,教授口沫橫飛的演說,坐在隔壁的室友(Y 同學,我就是在說妳啦!)湊過頭來,在 VB 的筆記上寫下加了燕麥的巧克力丁餅乾食譜.Smith Chart 到底是啥不但從來沒搞懂過(敝人那門課據說拿了很高分,申請研究所時該教授還特意問需不需要他的推薦信──),N 年後聽到人家提及,竟然只想起餅乾食譜與數枚 Smileys...
上回烤燕麥巧克力丁餅乾是什麼時候?自從把 Smith Chart 還給教授後,進了研究所的 VB 以為理當跳脫「got milk?」的青澀年少,飲食也應「轉大人」──橙酒腰果司空餅,算不算是「成人」的口味呢?
Grand Marnier Cashew Scones:
取一大碗公,依序加入各項材料,每加入一項需以電動攪拌機拌攪均勻.加入麵粉以後則以矽膠刮刀拌勻,不需用力攪拌以免麵粉出「筋」.將麵糊舀入心型矽膠烤模,頂部稍微抹平,於華式 350 度的烤箱內烤約 20 分鐘即可.
也許是添入腰果粉之故,成品出乎意料的綿密鬆軟,不太像 scone 反而比較像加了杏仁粉的小蛋糕;橙汁橙皮的清新輕輕巧巧的化解了糕餅可能的厚實凝滯,留下堅果獨特的豐腴與橙酒醉人的溫潤,亮麗溫柔如週日午後的春陽.
中火加熱 Staub 鑄鐵鍋,鍋底淺淺抹上一層葡萄籽油,放入大塊薑片,雞翅六支,大番茄兩顆,減鹽醬油兩大匙,台灣米酒兩大匙,紅麴豆腐乳適量,蓋上鍋蓋,轉成小火悶煮直到雞翅熟.
取出雞翅,放入切成大塊的義大利茄子三大條,白洋菇與「葡萄」番茄各十數枚──若喜蒜味可於烹煮雞翅時添加大蒜數瓣,據說這樣成品會具有濃濃的「普羅旺斯」風!VB 一不喜歡大蒜,二想把這道菜帶去公司當午餐,所以雖然用了法製的鐵鍋,還是忍痛放棄普羅旺斯的浪漫吧──繼續以小火悶煮直到茄子軟爛,熄火放一晚.
欲食之前將燉菜加熱,放入羅勒十數枚略為攪拌即熄火.兩個禮拜沒吃蔬菜的 VB 自誇一下:很好吃唷!
Labels: 極簡風《烘焙札記》
I could use that grand marnier scone right now! Wouldn't feel too guilty either, after running 6.3 miles outside earlier. Spring really is here! :)
Wow 6.3 miles! That's how much I run in 3 weeks :D
Yes you deserve a good scone!!
Looks like Spring has forsaken CA... We are still in the high 40s...
Well we were in the low 40s. That's Spring to us Clevelanders! Sad but true. People here crave sunshine so much you'd see people sitting in outdoor cafes when it's goes up to the 50s. If it goes to the 70s, it's bikini time!
High 30s in the morning, but 60s in the afternoon... I don't know what to wear!
Guess I shouldn't complain...
In fact I *should* know Spring is really here: my allergies tell me... :(
What are you allergic too, VB? My doctor put me on Flonase for a while but I just can't be bothered anymore... Some doctors really like to prescribe! In fact they're either quick to dismiss(in which case I feel like a hypochondriac) or quick to prescribe. I am a hypochondriac in all honesty though. Once I was given a book called "Total Health for Women" in which the book listed common disorders for women from A to Z, and I thought I had every single disorder in there because all those symptoms sounded familiar! :)
Ah! I think dermatologists are most generous with their prescription pads! My recent 5-min visit resulted in so many that I lost track of which was what was when was how… (BTW, I was a new patient...)
As for allergies, it’s probably easier to list what I am *not* allergic to… ^^;
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